work from home

LET Training is maintaining our regular services to support students in the situation of the COVID-19 Outbreak. Contact us for course information if you wish to enrol or requesting support if you are an enrolled student.

A Guide To Studying At Home

A new year means new opportunities to upskill or explore different career paths. Thankfully, a great way to do this is by studying at home, which for many people is the preferred way to maintain productivity while still being comfortable and relaxed. Although this can be valuable for most people, it can still be challenging…

By Kieren Henfling | Blog

Is working from home the future for businesses?

Is working from home the future for businesses? In Australia at the moment, we have a large percent of the population working from home. The COVID-19 Pandemic has changed so much; it looks like one of those changes in the future of our working lives.   Here’s why… The ACTU Working from Home Survey showed…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog