BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Organisational Development) &
BSB50320 Diploma of Human Resources Management

LET Training is maintaining our regular services to support students in the situation of the COVID-19 Outbreak. Contact us for course information if you wish to enrol or requesting support if you are an enrolled student.

About the BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Organisational Development) & BSB50320 Diploma of Human Resources Management

BSB50120 Diploma of BusinessThis qualification specialised in Organisational Development reflects the role of individuals in a variety of Business Services job roles. These individuals may have frontline management accountabilities.

Individuals in these roles carry out moderately complex tasks in a specialist field of expertise that requires business operations skills. They may possess substantial experience in a range of settings but seek to further develop their skills across a wide range of business functions.

BSB50320 Diploma of Human Resource ManagementThis qualification reflects the role of individuals working in a variety of roles within the human resources sector. The job roles that relate to this qualification may include Human Resources Consultant, Human Resources Advisor and Human Resources Business Partner.

Responsibilities are likely to be determined at a workplace level. Some smaller organisations may require employees to work across all aspects of human resources. In larger organisations, individuals may coordinate a single human resources function.

How to study with LET Training

This course is delivered entirely online, giving you the freedom to adapt it to your own lifestyle. We encourage you to study wherever you are, whenever you want. Grow your skills and get qualified without the constraints of attending physical classes.

You can study at any time, any place, with maximum flexibility.

  • Access to Online Learning portal at any time of anywhere
  • Easy-to-read course materials
  • Access to learning supports (emails, phone or visual classroom sessions, Webinars)
  • Fast Assessment response (5 working days response)

Enrol at any time and start straight after enrolment!

  • From the date of enrolment registration, you have up to 30 months to complete this qualification, but you may complete it in less time.
  • From the date of enrolment registration, you have up to 24 months to complete this qualification, but you may complete it in less time.
  • From the date of enrolment registration, you have you have up to 12 months to complete this qualification.
  • We find our students complete this qualification with varying timeframes. It just depends on your life situation and time availability.

No minimum or structured timeframe but effective time management!

  • You can complete the course as quickly as you choose.
  • On average it may take you 30-4040-5050-6060-7065-7570-80 hours to complete a unit of competency. However, this will be influenced by your experience, time availability and work rate.

Unlimited learning support!

  • Although the course is delivered online, you’re not on your own. Our expert trainers and assessors are on-hand to support you through the course.

Course Details

Save up to 25% on double qualification course!

A double major lets you pursue more than one area of study. Having a dual qualification will help ensure your knowledge and skills are relevant to many different employers and will make you more competitive in a crowded job market.

Go to the course pages for information about:

  • Entry requirements (it may defer from each qualification)
  • Units of study (duplicated units within this packaged course are to be studied once only)
  • Career opportunities
  • Study pathways

Prerequisite units or equivalent work experience

To satisfy the entry requirements for Diploma of Human Resource Management, you are required to complete the following four (4) prerequisite units (training pathway to Diploma):

  • BSBHRM411 Administer performance development processes
  • BSBHRM412 Support employee and industrial relations
  • BSBHRM415 Coordinate recruitment and onboarding
  • BSBHRM417 Support human resource functions and processes

Alternatively, if you have worked in a HR related role, you can provide evidence to demonstrate the two (2) years’ equivalent full-time relevant work experience to satisfy the qualification entry requirements.

The following are examples of evidence for LET Training to evaluate and assess the qualification entry requirements:

  • Certification/s or transcript/s outline the prerequiste units achieved through Registered Training Organisation/s;or
  • A statement from your employer states your role and responsibilities in relation to the above specified HR areas demonstrate two years’ equivalent full-time work experience ; and/or
  • Performance review reports that specify your role and responsibilities in relation to the above specified HR areas demonstrate two years’ equivalent full-time work experience; and/or
  • A signed job description confirms your role and responsibilities in relation to the above specified HR areas demonstrate two years’ equivalent full-time work experience.

You can enrol and start at any time!

We are committed to seeing you through your course. To ensure you have the best chance of successfully completing your course, the following entry and study requirements apply.

  • Satisfy the qualification Entry Requirements;
  • Have access to a fully-functional computer loaded with a web browser, web camera and appropriate software applications to read PDF files and produce documents (using Microsoft Suite); and
  • Have reliable internet access; and
  • Have a valid email account and a telephone with a valid telephone number for learning and assessment communication, support session; and
  • Participating in interactive assessment activities and interviews as required.

Skills needed for study:

  • Language and literacy skills at a level that enables you to read, interpret, communicate and apply a range of information and data, to write reports and other business documents for a variety of audiences, and to present and address issues.
  • Numeracy skills at a level that enables you to plan and manage time, resources and budgets, to read and understand workplace figures, statistics and measurements, and to solve routine workplace and operational problems.
  • Technology skills to conduct online research using a web browser and to use a variety of software applications to send emails with attachments, participate in web based communications, read PDF files, produce documents, analyse information and data.
  • Research skills to be able to research information and data from a variety of sources.
  • Attention to details to successfully complete all assessment tasks to the required published standard.

Diploma of Business (Organisational Development)

This qualification is nationally recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

Consistent with qualification rules, the qualification offered by LET Training comprises the following units of competency.

To be awarded this qualification, you are required to complete 12 units of competency. LET Training offers the following units:

Core units (5):
  • BBSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others
  • BSBFIN501 Manage budgets and financial plans
  • BSBOPS501 Manage business resources
  • BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability
  • BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace
Elective units (7):
  • BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change
  • BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence
  • BSBSTR502 Facilitate continuous improvement
  • BSBOPS504 Manage business risk
  • BSBSTR601 Manage innovation and continuous improvement
  • BSBTWK503 Manage meetings
  • BSBWHS521 Ensure a safe workplace for a work area

Diploma of Human Resource Management

This qualification is nationally recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

Consistent with qualification rules, the qualification offered by LET Training comprises the following units of competency.

Stage 1: Complete the prerequisite units

To satisfy the entry requirements for Diploma of Human Resource Management, you are required to complete the following four (4) prerequisite units (training pathway to Diploma):

  • BSBHRM411 Administer performance development processes
  • BSBHRM412 Support employee and industrial relations
  • BSBHRM415 Coordinate recruitment and onboarding
  • BSBHRM417 Support human resource functions and processes

Stage 2: Complete the following 12 units of competency

Core units (7):
  • BSBHRM521 Facilitate performance development processes
  • BSBHRM522 Manage employee and industrial relations
  • BSBHRM523 Coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals
  • BSBHRM524 Coordinate workforce plan implementation
  • BSBHRM527 Coordinate human resource functions and processes
  • BSBOPS504 Manage business risk
  • BSBWHS411 Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs
Elective units (5):
  • BSBHRM525 Manage recruitment and onboarding
  • BSBHRM526 Manage payroll
  • BSBHRM529 Coordinate separation and termination processes
  • BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
  • BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development

If you wish to change elective unit/s to meet your training needs, please speak to one of our friendly learning and development advisors.

Upon enrolment, you will be provided with detailed assessment task specifications and activities specific to the relevant unit of competency (via the Learning Management System). For example, you may be required to:

  • Complete projects and/or portfolios of evidence;
  • Answer a series of knowledge-based short answer questions;
  • Participate in interviews and/or interactive activities in a simulated business environment.

You will be required to submit your evidence for evaluation to the assessor, who will continue to maintain contact with you during the assessment decision-making process. You will also be provided with opportunities to adjust and resubmit your assessments based on the assessor’s feedback.

You are well supported throughout your course, so you won’t feel alone!

LET Training strives in many ways to support you in your learning. This includes:

Providing resources and services accessible to our online and recorded webinars and support resources published on LET Training website Learning Support page; and

Unlimited opportunities to discuss your course work on a one-on-one basis with a specialist trainer between Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (NSW Business Days and Time) via:

  • Telephone
  • Email (responded within 24 business hours)
  • Web-based Applications (e.g. Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams)

For those currently working in a related field, with over five years experience, ask our friendly course consultants about our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) eligibility. Our expert trainer will develop a tailored training plan for you based on your existing role and experience.

Important: this contextualised assessment service is on a fee for service model in addition to the course fees. Detailed application and assessment fees are outlined in the information sheet – click here to download an information sheet.
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This course is Nationally Accredited by the Australian Government under the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF).


You can choose to pay the course fees on a payment plan via:
  • Weekly,
  • Fortnightly,
  • Monthly,
  • 50% upfront, plus 50% in 30 days, or
  • 50% upfront, plus 50% in 60 days
Payment plan options are provided for online enrolments and by completing an enrollment form.

BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Organisational Development) & BSB50320 Diploma of Human Resources Management

NRT Logo
This course is Nationally Accredited by the Australian Government under the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF).

Why Enrol with Us

Enrol Now to receive a discounted price and:
  • Pay the course fees on a payment plan!
  • Get started within one business day!
  • Dedicated trainer support!
  • Full access to all training and assessment materials!
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Our students and their career pathways are our top priority.
Phone: 02 9633 3929