LET Training is maintaining our regular services to support students in the situation of the COVID-19 Outbreak. Contact us for course information if you wish to enrol or requesting support if you are an enrolled student.

About the BSBOPS201 Work effectively in business environments

By studying the Work Effectively in a Business Environment unit, you’ll gain a competitive edge in the administrative world. Boost your business career with this nationally recognised course unit, where you’ll study a variety of topics including using business equipment, procedures and technology as well as dealing with customers and clients.

This course is delivered entirely online and can be completed in a couple of days, depending on how much time and effort you put in. It applies to those who work in a broad range of settings. These individuals typically work under some supervision and guidance.

How to study with LET Training

Online and Self-paced

You can study at any time, any place, with maximum flexibility.

  • Access to Online Learning portal at any time of anywhere
  • Easy-to-read course materials
  • Access to learning supports (emails, phone or visual classroom sessions, Webinars)
  • Fast Assessment response (5 working days response)

Enrol at any time and start straight after enrolment!

  • From the date of enrolment registration, you have up to 3 months to complete this unit.

No minimum or structured timeframe but effective time management!

  • You can complete the course as quickly as you choose.

Unlimited learning support!

  • Although the course is delivered online, you’re not on your own. Our expert trainers and assessors are on-hand to support you through the course.

Course Details

We are committed to seeing you through your course. We have determined the following requirements to ensure you have the best chance of successfully completing your course:

  • Have access to a workplace supervisor to provide guidance to complete learning activities within the workplace; or participating in interactive assessment activities and interviews in a simulated workplace.; and
  • Have access to a fully-functional computer loaded with a web browser, web camera and appropriate software applications to read PDF files and produce documents (using Microsoft Suite); and
  • Have reliable internet access; and
  • Have a valid email account and a telephone with a valid telephone number for learning and assessment communication, support session.

Skills needed for study:

  • Language and literacy skills at a level that enables you to read, interpret, communicate and apply a range of information and data, to write reports and other business documents for a variety of audiences, and to present and address issues.
  • Numeracy skills at a level that enables you to read and understand workplace figures and measurements, and to complete workplace activities at basic level..
  • Technology skills to use a variety of software applications to send emails with attachments, participate in web based communications, read PDF files, and produce documents.
  • Attention to details to successfully complete all assessment tasks to the required published standard.

The following unit of competency has National recognition under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

BSBOPS201 Work effectively in business environments

  • A Statement of Attainment will be issued on successful completion.
  • A white card will be issued (or requested to be issued) to successfully completed students.

Upon enrolment, you will be provided via the Learning Management System if you undertake the training from online or provide with a learner workbook if you undertake the course in the classroom with detailed assessment task specifications and activities. By way of example, you may be required to:

  • Answer a series of knowledge and skills based questions;
  • Participate in a workplace-based activities or complete required activities in a simulated workplace environment.

You will be provided with opportunities to adjust and resubmit your assessments based on the assessor’s feedback.

You are well supported throughout your course, so you won’t feel alone!

LET Training strives in many ways to support you in your learning. This includes:

Providing resources and services accessible to our online and recorded webinars and support resources published on LET Training website Learning Support page; and

Unlimited opportunities to discuss your course work on a one-on-one basis with a specialist trainer between Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (NSW Business Days and Time) via:

  • Telephone
  • Email (responded within 24 business hours)
  • Web-based Applications (e.g. Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams)

Career Opportunities

This course is ideal for anyone working in a business admin role. Career opportunities are endless, a few ideas include:
  • Administration Assistant
  • Clerical Worker
  • Data Entry Operator
  • Information Desk Clerk
  • Office Assistant
  • Receptionist
  • Front Desk Operator

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

For those currently working in a business environment with over 2 years’ experience, ask our friendly course consultants about our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) solution eligibility. Our expert trainer will develop a tailored training plan for you based on your existing role and experience.

Study pathways

Will previous study and experience count?

LET Training recognises Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) which takes into account the knowledge and skills you have already gained through your previous education and work history, attributing this to your enrolled qualification course. This may be through formal or informal training and can result in credits towards your qualification. More information can be found in the Student Handbook.

Future education pathways

After successfully completing the Work effectively in business environments, you may like to enrol in LET Training’s Certificate III or Certificate IV in Business course.

NRT Logo
This course is Nationally Accredited by the Australian Government under the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF).


You can choose to pay the course fees on a payment plan via:
  • Weekly,
  • Fortnightly,
  • Monthly,
  • 50% upfront, plus 50% in 30 days, or
  • 50% upfront, plus 50% in 60 days
Payment plan options are provided for online enrolments and by completing an enrollment form.

BSBTEST Test Coures

NRT Logo
This course is Nationally Accredited by the Australian Government under the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF).

Why Enrol with Us

Enrol Now to receive a discounted price and:
  • Pay the course fees on a payment plan!
  • Get started within one business day!
  • Dedicated trainer support!
  • Full access to all training and assessment materials!
First Name*
Last Name*
State or Territory*
Course Selection*
Type of Payment Plan*


Our students and their career pathways are our top priority.
Phone: 02 9633 3929