Human Resource Officer

Human Resource Officer

Human Resource (HR) Officers assist managers and a wider HR team with tasks such as recruitment and hiring, employee performance, remuneration and rewards, training and inductions and more. HR Officer roles are likely to be mediators between employees and their organizations and will mostly focus on helping manage people across a wide range of areas.

HR Officers Responsibilities

Maintain HR Information, Data and Records

Working in Human Resource Management may involve collecting data such as sick leave, annual leave, employment contracts, performance management records, learning and development records, company policies and procedure records or other employee data. A Human Resource Officer is responsible for collecting, maintaining and updating these records.

Company Policies and Human Resource Documents

Updating company policies may be required. Examples of company policies could include:

  • Work Health and Safety Policy
  • Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination Policy
  • Code of conduct

Other Human Resource documents could be employment contracts, job descriptions, resumes, compliance documents, organisation documents, training and development documents and more.

Administer Performance Development Processes

A Human Resource Officer may assist the line managers to work with individuals on planning, monitoring and reviewing the individuals objectives, long-term goals, job trajectory and comprehensive contribution to the company. Steps in Performance Appraisal Processes may include but are not limited too:

  1. Establishing performance standards
  2. Communicating performance expectations to the employees
  3. Measuring actual performance
  4. Comparing actual performance with standards
  5. Discussing the appraisal with the employee
  6. If necessary, initiate corrective action

As a HR officer, you may also develop training and development programs in order to assist with performance development in teams or on a individual basis.

Recruitment and Onboarding

There are many different approaches and strategies a company may take as part of their recruitment and onboarding process. For clarification, recruitment happens before hiring and onboarding is the term used to describe the process of bringing a new staff member on board at a new place of work. There are usually 8 stages of recruitment and 5 stages of onboarding a Human Resource Officer will take when hiring new staff.

WHS Policies, Procedures and Programs

A Human Resource Officer will likely have a understanding of Work Health and Safety, the HRM professional may write a WHS policy or ensure procedures are followed regarding WHS.

Staff Professional learning and development

Training offered may involve company programs, team based activities and training, coaching or outsourced training (such as a course). Professional development may involve identifying individuals to participate in upskilling for an eventual promotional opportunity or to match skills required in their role.

Assist with payroll management

A Human Resource Officer may assist the payroll department by providing them with up-to-date information on all employees, including sick leaves, leaves of absence, overtime hours, work schedules, and more. Depending on the business Human Resource Officer’s may also process the payroll for the business.

Assist with employee separation and Termination processes

A separated employee is one who leaves an employment situation for any reason, whether voluntary or involuntary. A terminated employee is involuntarily let go, usually because of poor performance or lack of work. Termination of a employee involves empathy and there is usually 5 steps to take before terminating employment, which are:

  1. Identifying and Documenting the Issues
  2. Coach Employees to Rectify the Issue
  3. Create a Performance Improvement Plan
  4. Terminate the Employee
  5. Have HR Conduct an Exit Interview

In severe cases a termination may be required instantly for example gross or serious misconduct (theft, fraud or assault).

Note: Employee separation and termination is a complex topic to understand, we recommend completing a course in HR to understand the relevant laws and legislations.


Human Resource Officer Skills

Recruitment, Selection and Onboarding

In HR roles recruitment, selection and onboarding skills are highly regarded as the role does involve this as part of your work responsibilities.

Performance Management Processes

The performance management process is a collaborative, communication-based process where employees and management work together to plan, monitor and review the employee’s objectives, long-term goals, job trajectory and comprehensive contribution to the company.

Understanding fair work and relevant employee related laws or legislations

A job in HR involves having a understanding in employment related laws.

Learning and development

Learning and development is a function within an organization that is responsible for empowering employees’ growth and developing their knowledge, skills, and capabilities to drive better business performance.

Employment relations

Being able to maintain positive, constructive employee relations, working to keep employees loyal and more engaged in their work.

Conflict Resolution

The skill set which enables two or more parties work toward a solution to a problem or dispute.

A Qualification in Human Resource Management

Most businesses will request candidates to have completed a Certificate IV in Human Resource Management

Previous Experience in HR

Most companies will require an individual to have previous HR experience to be a applicable candidate.


Average Pay Human Resource Officer

According to the average pay for a human resource officer is AU$62,016 a year


How to become a Human Resource Officer

If this career sounds like something you want to do, we can help you!

Consider enrolling in our Certificate IV in Human Resource Management

The above course is nationally recognised and qualifies individuals for a role as a Human Resource Officer.



Head to the course page link and select enrol now

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After that, your application will take 1 business day to process.



Contact a learning and development consultant at LET Training.

They will be able to send you an information pack on the course and give you a call to discuss your study needs further.

CONTACT LET Training – (02) 9633 3929

About LET Training

LET Training provides nationally recognised online training courses. From Human Resources to Leadership & Management, Business & Administration and Work Health & Safety, all of our courses are delivered entirely online. You can study anywhere, anytime.
As a National Registered Training Organisation (RTO no.41179), LET Training is proud to deliver online training courses at a variety of levels. All students studying with LET Training will receive support from our dedicated trainers five-days-a-week.
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