Human Resource Management

LET Training is maintaining our regular services to support students in the situation of the COVID-19 Outbreak. Contact us for course information if you wish to enrol or requesting support if you are an enrolled student.

Human Resource Administrator

A human resource administrator is the first point of contact within a company for all HR-related inquiries. Human Resource Administrator Responsibilities Maintain HR Information, Data and Records Working in Human Resource Management may involve collecting data such as sick leave, annual leave, employment contracts, performance management records, learning and development records, company policies and procedure…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

New year course resolutions

Moving into the new year surely you have started to think of your new year’s resolutions! You may be considering some traditional new year resolutions like…. Being more positive Becoming more emotionally and physically healthy Going on a trip or somewhere you have never been before Donating or volunteering If your new years resolution is…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

Your wish to Santa this year

What is your wish to Santa this year for Christmas? This year our wish is to provide quality learning to students at affordable prices. If your wish this year is to build on your professional skills, you may want to consider enrolling in a online course. If your career goals lean into business service rolls…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

Steps to take to get a promotion

A promotion is available when a employee moves up to a higher rank in a company. A promotion can be beneficial to a individual or a company in many different ways. One of the greatest benefits for a individual is professional development and income growth. There can be many great benefits for a company promoting…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

Is working from home the future for businesses?

Is working from home the future for businesses? In Australia at the moment, we have a large percent of the population working from home. The COVID-19 Pandemic has changed so much; it looks like one of those changes in the future of our working lives.   Here’s why… The ACTU Working from Home Survey showed…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog