Solo VS Group Study: Pros & Cons

Solo VS Group Study: Pros & Cons

When it comes to studying, some people excel the most when they study solo, whereas other people find it much easier studying as a group. There are pros & cons for both, it all depends on what works for the individual person. Studying solo is a great way of reducing external distractions, though it can be hard for students to motivate themselves and keep focused when they’re alone. Studying as a group is a great option for building a support group and keeping each other focused, however it can become a lot more about socializing rather than the study itself. For more helpful tips, have a look at LET Training’s Learning Support section.


Solo Study Pros

Minimizing Distraction

Anyone who has studied before knows how difficult it can be to stay focussed, especially when the topic is dry or not as interesting as you may have hoped. It can be even harder to stay focussed if you’re around people who value socializing more than they value study itself. Studying alone can help to eliminate these distractions, though it can still be hard to stay focussed and motivated.

There are some great tools, methods and resources you can use to stay focussed. Here are some great ones:

  • is a free website that anyone can use, regardless of where you are in your study. Through this site, you can create a virtual study room, with customizable backgrounds, music and more. This is a great way to reduce the distractions you may have, by helping you focus on what really matters.
  • Creating a study schedule is another way to streamline your study. One of the hardest parts about studying is remembering where to start or what you’re up to. A study schedule will help organise all your subjects, topics and progress, enabling you to easily jump back in.
  • The last tip on how to minimize your distractions is to, if possible, study at the same time every day. By creating a regular routine, you will get your mind used to having to engage each time you study. This means it shouldn’t be as hard to focus if it is happening at the same time every day.

Pacing You’re Comfortable With

One of the benefits of studying alone, is the ability to study at your own pace. While it can be rewarding to study with others, it can be difficult if everyone isn’t on the same page. If there are individuals in your study group who tend to race ahead, or if there are people who lag behind, it can make the experience frustrating. Studying alone ensures that you can study at your own speed, which allows you to more easily absorb the information. Setting your own pace can be quite rewarding, especially if you’re studying a great course like those from LET Training.

A Personalised Soundtrack

Of course, probably the best pro of studying alone is the freedom to listen to whatever you’d like. Some people find it beneficial to listen to classical music, whereas others find it particularly helpful to listen to a good podcast. Whatever you like to listen to, studying alone means you’ll have free reign to do that.


Solo Study Cons

Lack Of Motivation

One of the hardest parts of studying alone is keeping yourself motivated. When you’re by yourself you can quickly become bored, resulting in very little study happening. This is disheartening and can lead to giving up. When you’re with the right people, they will help you stay on track, by encouraging you and giving you a push when you need it.


This is one of the biggest causes of incomplete or abandoned study. It’s so easy to put your study aside for more entertaining things and yes, those things are more fun than spending hours studying, but they don’t give you the same benefits that study does. If you’re studying and start procrastinating, do whatever you can to get yourself back on track.

Easier To Be Distracted

When you’re alone it is much easier to become distracted, because no one else is there to see what you’re doing or keep you on track. If you’re constantly distracted, then you’ll find it much easier to procrastinate or lose your motivation.



Group Study Pros

Increased Motivation

One of the biggest benefits of studying in a group is increased motivation amongst those involved. When like-minded people gather together, they tend to support and encourage each other, which is great for staying on topic and progressing steadily through a course.

Immediate Support Network

One of the best ways to increase motivation is in a group setting. Provided your group has like-minded people, it can evolve into a support network, ensuring that even when you’re not meeting, the ability to reach out and receive support is a great benefit. When dealing with procrastination or lack of motivation, is can be incredibly helpful knowing you have reliable people you can easily contact for support.


Collaborating is a great way of seeing things in a way you may not have been able to before. When you’re studying, especially you have been studying the same thing for a while, it is helpful to have other people lend their view as well. This allows for fresh perspectives and the opportunity to approach assignments or tasks in different ways.


Group Study Cons

Distracted By Socializing

A significant downside of studying in a group is the opportunity to completely neglect the study all together and instead just hang out and socialize. While socializing is great, if you’re all part of a study group, it is more important to focus on the study. This is one of the benefits of solo study, as you do not have the social aspect to distract you.

Uninterested Group Members

When studying in a group, it can be frustrating if certain members are not as engaged or focussed as the rest. This can lead to the other members becoming less motivated or enthusiastic if they are constantly having to pull the other person along. It ends up resulting in an unpleasant atmosphere and less attendance. All these things drive down productivity, which makes the study group a waste of time.

Schedules Don’t Line Up

This can be the most frustrating aspect of group study, trying to get everyone to meet at a certain time. When dealing with multiple people, it can be hard for everyone to be on the same schedule. Thankfully, there are ways that it can be made easier, for instance zoom or online study rooms.


Need course information?

Whether you prefer solo or group study, there are some great options which work for you.

Why not put those options to the test by studying one of LET Training’s great courses?  Click here for more details!

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