communication skills | page 4

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Customer support officers

A customer support officer job involves communicating with stakeholders via telephone, face-to-face or email regarding a particular service or product. Customer support officers generally work in a contact centre or the customer support department of a business. In addition, they are also responsible for answering a wide range of inquiries to stakeholders in relation to…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

Frontline Managers

A frontline manager is the first or second manager, who is directly responsible for production of goods and services. Frontline managers jobs are always evolving and dynamic; therefore a frontline manager needs to be able to adapt to business changes regularly. Frontline Manager Responsibilities Interacting With Customers Frontline managers interact with customers regularly and deal…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

Corporate Receptionists

A corporate receptionist is the first point of contact for any visitors to the office or anyone contacting the organisation. The position allows individuals to gain a vast  insight on many different areas of a organisation. Working in this role can provide a individual with a large array of skills, knowledge and experience within the…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog