online learning | page 4

LET Training is maintaining our regular services to support students in the situation of the COVID-19 Outbreak. Contact us for course information if you wish to enrol or requesting support if you are an enrolled student.

Office All-Rounders

An office all-rounder looks after many different types of tasks to support a business. An office all-rounder has great versatility or wide-ranging skills in the business environment.   Office All-Rounders Responsibilities Administrative support Office all-rounders will have a set of tasks on their calendar to complete during their workday and week. Phone enquiries or email inquiries…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

Purchase Officers

Purchasing officers purchase items or services for their employer, in addition, they can also purchase raw materials for production facilities. Good purchasing officers are organised and able to negotiate pricing and transport costs.   Purchase Officers Responsibilities Conducting research This may involve product or market research. Likewise, it can also involve researching potential suppliers and vendors.…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

Frontline Managers

A frontline manager is the first or second manager, who is directly responsible for production of goods and services. Frontline managers jobs are always evolving and dynamic; therefore a frontline manager needs to be able to adapt to business changes regularly. Frontline Manager Responsibilities Interacting With Customers Frontline managers interact with customers regularly and deal…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

Become a manager for your new years resolution

Is your new years resolution to become a team leader, supervisor or manager? There are many ways you can get up the ranks and move into a leadership position. However; one of the quickest ways to gain the necessary knowledge is to complete a leadership and management course! Why become a manager? Being a manager…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

Why Business courses are popular this year

Business courses cover a lot of different areas in business and are usually quite diverse in what they offer. But this year, business courses popularity is on the rise! Keep reading to find out why…   Business courses can apply to a lot of different industry’s due to the diverse skills A business course covers…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

New year course resolutions

Moving into the new year surely you have started to think of your new year’s resolutions! You may be considering some traditional new year resolutions like…. Being more positive Becoming more emotionally and physically healthy Going on a trip or somewhere you have never been before Donating or volunteering If your new years resolution is…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

What a jolly time to start a course

Coming into the Christmas and New Year period there is no better time to start a online course! Why… Because now is the time to reflect on your professional goals you wish to achieve coming into the new year! You may be looking to get promoted, join a new industry or upskill in your current…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

Your wish to Santa this year

What is your wish to Santa this year for Christmas? This year our wish is to provide quality learning to students at affordable prices. If your wish this year is to build on your professional skills, you may want to consider enrolling in a online course. If your career goals lean into business service rolls…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog