diploma | page 3

LET Training is maintaining our regular services to support students in the situation of the COVID-19 Outbreak. Contact us for course information if you wish to enrol or requesting support if you are an enrolled student.

What a qualification can do for you

Wondering what is a qualification? Well… A qualification is a formal record that is awarded upon the completion of successful study. This could be a Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Bachelor Degree, Masters Degree or Doctoral Degree. All of which are considered a qualification and are a official record of achievement that is awarded on the…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

What is Work Health and Safety?

Work Health and Safety (WHS), involves the management of risks that may affect the health and safety of everyone in a workplace. As a result, most workplaces will have established a health and safety management system. A safe work environment is a legal requirement and can be crucial to the success of a business. In…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

Review learning resources you have tried

Why are learning resources so important Learning materials are so important because they can significantly increase a student’s achievement by offering more support to a student’s learning experience. It is also just important to use these learning resources effectively, as it well help you build more in-depth knowledge on a particular subject. Resources are very…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

What is in my teacher bag?

What makes our teachers Great? At LET Training we love to motivate our students and inspire them to be the best possible versions of themselves, we are firm believers in supporting our students and being enthusiastic, caring, and accessible. Our teachers are great listeners and have a pure passion for teaching and learning.   Why…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

Favourite Educational and learning Channels

We believe education and learning plays a very important role in the world today; because they do open up doors that may have not been open already. You will find that there are some different types of education, the three main types of education are formal, informal, and non-formal however education does go beyond what…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog

Building a Rapport with students

We want to be able to motivate our students into achieving their goals and aspiring them to be the best possible version of themselves, this is one of the many reasons we love working with our students and building long lasting relationships. A key aspect for us in an effective student relationship is offering support,…

By Kathryn Gall | Blog